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Golden Limousine International's, Maya Adrine, joined the National Limousine Association's Day on the Hill in Washington, D.C.

Golden Limo Vice President Maya Adrine posing with fellow NLA members in Washington, DC.

As a member of the National Limousine Association Central Region’s Board of Directors, Golden Limousine's Maya Adrine, VP of Business Development joined the NLA's Day on the Hill in Washington, D.C. on April 25 - 26, 2023.

More than 50 members joined Maya and the NLA in Washington D.C. for over 90 meetings with legislators from 24 states to advocate and educate them on the most significant industry issues, including congestion pricing, fair curbside treatment in the upcoming FAA Reauthorizations, and fixes to tax policy and administration that harm small businesses.

Once the educational sessions kicked off on Tuesday, this year's event was jam-packed with valuable education, visits from legislators, and a full day of appointments on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.

“Advocacy is the most important job of the National Limousine Association (NLA).” said Maya. “I was proud to be with my fellow NLA members for this impactful event. We had over 100 meetings in the offices of senators and representatives from around the country.  Our top issues discussed for 2023 were preventing harmful congestion taxes, ensuring fairness in airport access, restoring bonus depreciation, and expediting employee retention tax credit processing.  These are common sense requests and will ensure the sustainability of our small businesses throughout the country.  Small businesses, as we all know, are the lifeblood of the U.S. economy.”

Two of this year's event highlights were visits from Representative Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) on Tuesday afternoon and Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), who joined NLA at the PAC Fundraiser Dinner on Tuesday night. These representatives have shown their support for the chauffeured transportation industry. The members of the NLA delegation were grateful to be able to discuss issues currently facing the industry and ways that the representatives can lend their support.

Politico and covered the efforts from The NLA, and we are expecting more stories to come out about the event in the coming weeks. 

Maya-Adrine, Golden-Limo,-and-NLA-in-Washington

Maya Adrine and the NLA

Maya Adrine joined the Golden Limo team in 2006 as the Sales and Events Manager and quickly rose to become VP of Business Development. Maya is a dedicated leader within our team and our industry as a whole. Her successful election to the NLA Board of Directors Central Region is a testament to her diligence and investment in our profession.

The National Limousine Association exists to promote and protect the international, national, and regional interests of chauffeured transportation. The NLA Day on the Hill is an annual event where NLA members meet with their elected representatives in Washington, D.C., to educate them on our industry's issues and concerns.

National Limousine Association logo

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