How To Be On Time While Traveling

Gentleman sits in airport waiting for flight.

Whether you are on vacation or traveling for business – it is essential to be on time while traveling. Discover expert travel tips!

Sean Duval Receives Humanitarian Award

Golden Limousine President Sean Duval Receives Humanitarian Award

Golden Limousine President Sean Duval Receives Humanitarian Award. The award was given in recognition of his years of service to the greater Ann Arbor community.

The Early Days of Golden Limousine

Golden Limo President & CEO Sean Duval

After 31 years from the creation of Golden Limousine International, Sean Duval, President, reflects on the beginning and the future of the organization.

Maya Adrine Elected to NLA Board of Directors

Headshot image of Golden Vice President Maya Adrine.

Congratulations are in order for Maya Adrine, our Vice President of Business Development, who was recently elected to The Board of Directors of the National Limousine Association (NLA) – Central Region.